New Committee Elected

The Friends of Pinner Village Garden Annual General Meeting for 2021 was held last night, on 14 June. As part of this yearly meeting, the FoPVG Committee is elected for the forthcoming year.

This year’s election was also a little different, as two new posts on the committee were created to reflect specific a greater focus on fundraising and ensuring that the the landscapes in the park are recognised and protected.

The following members were elected to the Committee:

Antonia Savvides – Chair
Brian Chapman – Secretary
Stephen Spiro – Treasurer
Sarah Brook – Events Coordinator
Glyn Watkins –  Funding Coordinator
Simon Braidman –  Environmental and Education Advisor
Jackie Lindop –  Committee Member 1
Helen Ryan –  Committee Member 2
Natalia Kuznetsova –  Landscape Advisor

The posts of Volunteer Coordinator, Communications Lead, and Junior Ambassador were left vacant on the night with no one standing for them.

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