Upcoming FoPVG Annual General Meeting

The Friends of Pinner Village Garden’s 2021 Annual General Meeting is set to take place over Zoom on 14th June. Papers were sent out to all members this past Monday.

At the meeting, we will give updates to the work taken place in the park over the last two years, along with a financial update and the current membership status. We will discuss the current five year plan for the park, and hold the election for the committee members.

While all posts are up for re-election, we would like to highlight the following vacancies should you think that you could help improve the park through one of these posts and would like to stand:

Communications Lead
Manage FoPVG Facebook, website, Twitter, and newsletter. Manage communications with outside media sources.

Volunteer Coordinator (50% of role as part of a job share agreement)
To support, advise and encourage current members. Organising work parties/ liaising with /recruiting new volunteers. Record volunteer hours /report this to Chair. Must be available to attend events and recruit new members.

Junior Ambassador
Support/encourage/ recruit younger members

Should you wish to stand for these or any other roles on the committee, you will need to be a member first. To sign up, please go to our Become a Member page for further information.

If you’d like any further information about these, any other roles, volunteering in general or the AGM process, then please do Contact Us.